The Lillypillies are an eclectic music band formed by a fusion of diverse talents, Manny Attanasio (singer, songwriter, producer, keyboards) and Alessandro Gori (Guitars).

They share a passion for crafting emotionally resonant music that transcends conventional genres, crafting songs that flawlessly blend indie rock elements and hints of electronic experimentation. They explore themes of self-exploration, love, and the complexities of human feelings. Their latest album, "Songs From The Present Day," is anticipated to leave a lasting impression on the indie music industry.
One thing you will not miss from this album or just the band, in general, is their knack for turning everyday struggles of life and crafting them into something powerful. And that's exactly how the album starts, with a banger track named 'Electric'. The lyrics of this track truly speak to the audience with a resonating experience of picking yourself up and surviving every day. Truly an electric start to the album.

After setting the pace from this magnificent track comes 'Addictions'. This track feels like a continuation of the first track and it would have been a beautiful combination if it was transitioned that way. Either way, the song has a powerful vibe to it as it tells you the realest truth on how everything that gets introduced in a day and age like today's, everything and everyone is just an addiction away.
Being 5 tracks deep into the album, one can easily tell how extraordinary this band is instrumentally as well, especially in the tracks "Wallflower" and "Addictions". It's not just the indie rock elements but the keyboard shines through just as much as the other elements. The intensity of the rock elements has a smooth blend with the soft elements of the tracks, making it worth listening to on loop. The album ends with the song "Alright in the End". With the perfect background vocals and the irresistible beats, the song uplifts you to face your struggles head-on;
the perfect finish to this spectacular album.
Overall, it may have a consistent instrumental flavor, but that's what makes it stand out. You get to experience the highs and lows from various perspectives. The album feels nostalgic from my perspective as it sounds very much like the age of the 2000's.
This album is definitely your catalyst to keep on going and take it one day at a time with optimism.
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