Hailing from Niagara Falls, Thunderclap! is known for its honesty and humility. His latest song "The Littlest Monster" opens with ambient wind noises and then the haunting piano kicks in setting up the atmosphere for this quirky yet intriguing track which beautifully captures the spirit of Halloween. Thunderclap! certainly has a flair for portraying unique narratives through his lyrics which is evident in the lines of "The Littlest Monster" which he wrote along with Leigh Kotsilidis. Despite sounding light and breezy the song makes you ponder through its evocative lyrics, my favourite lines were "We all want to be someone else when tired of being ourselves. This song will transport you back to the good old days of going trick-or-treating and make you reminisce about the tales of your childhood. This is a must-listen for everyone, it'll have you shaking your head and singing along before you know it. So what are you waiting for, give this song a spin right away. Dive into the tune here:
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